We are delighted to be offering the Doodle Den programme to students in the junior end of the school again this year. Doodle Den is an after-school literacy initiative funded by the National College of Ireland that aims to engage and empower children by combining fun and child-centered activities such as art, interactive games as well as reading and writing. We are very grateful here at Scoil Chaoimhín to have been selected to run the programme as it can be transformational for children.
Although Doodle Den is primarily a literacy-based scheme it is also proven to be effective in improving school attendance, family library use, family reading and children’s social skills. Doodle Den aligns with the values here at Scoil Chaoimhín as it practices a holistic approach to integrated development of the child. It will be running throughout the year with the exception of some weeks surrounding the holidays. It is run after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday until 4.10pm. All parents of children in the junior end of the school are welcome and encouraged to enquire as to a place for their child in the programme. If you would like more information or would like to avail of one of the limited places please contact us at scoilchaoimhin@gmail.com.