‘Creating the right plan, for the right child, at the right time.’
Every Student, Every Teacher, Every Year
City Connects is an initiative that began in Boston College in the 1990s, and since then has extended to other cities. Scoil Chaoimhín is in the fortunate position to be one of the Dublin schools to be partnered with City Connects. In practice, this means we have a full-time City Connects Coordinator embedded within the fabric of the school. The City Connects Coordinator collaborates with teachers in every classroom to review the strengths and needs of every student, every year.
Systemic Support
The City Connects Coordinator creates a tailored support plan for every student –connecting pupils to a comprehensive range of prevention, intervention, and enrichment services that already exist in the school and surrounding community.
Students who are most at risk receive an in-depth review and a broader level of support.
In Scoil Chaoimhín, the City Connects Coordinator is the hub of student support — a single point of contact in an otherwise crowded maze of service providers. This helps to ease the burden on the principal and the teachers, and creates an organized referral process for community-based partners.
City Connects is a high-impact, cost-effective system that addresses the out-of-school factors that limit learning. The support City Connects offer makes a significant impact on students — now, and years from now.
Our City Connects Coordinator is Katie Culkin.
Katie’s contact details are as follows:
Mobile: 0873673957
Email: katie.culkin@tusla.ie
Please give Katie a call or text if you have any questions about supports, clubs or activities that you would like your child to join either in the school or the wider community.